The Tyranny of The Urgent vs The Primacy of The Relevant
By Dwayne Phillips
What is urgent and what is relevant often do not match. Should I balance them or is that not relevant?
What are you saying or doing today? Is that the most urgent thing you can say or do today?
No, but we have a plan. We are working towards something big, we cannot allow the urgent to rule us.
But what about relevance? Where are we today? What are we doing today? Are our actions serving our needs and situations today? What is relevant? Let’s be and do that.
And how do we balance these? There is something that is needful today, right now. It is both relevant and urgent. Let’s do it now. Or is it relevant? My teenager needs counseling on college and career and happiness. Our dinner is burning in the oven. My teenager’s life is more important, more relevant … sorry, gotta’ pull dinner out of the over and baste it and cool it and … what was I talking about? Was I talking to someone? I’m the only person in the kitchen. What just happened?
What is relevant and what is urgent often do not match. I can’t let dinner burn. The lives of my children are primary. Tonight’s ham is not, but I cannot let …
This should be simpler, right?