Silence is Complicity (not)

Dwayne Phillips
1 min readSep 14, 2020


by Dwayne Phillips

We have another variation of the “silence is agreement” notion. Let’s refute that notion — again.

Looking back through this blog, it appears that I have written about this topic every four years. Once in 2012, once in 2016, so I guess it is time again. This time around “silence is complicity” is being used in current protests about social justice and such.

You are talking.

I am silent, because:

. No one asked me what I think.
. I am listening, not talking.
. I am thinking, not talking.
. I would rather discuss root issues instead of surface issues.
. I feel no need to state the obvious (we are discussing murder, and we agreed murder was wrong some 4,000 or 7,000 years ago)

In the past month or two, persons who have been silent for years are now talking. To those, I say:

For several years, I have repeatedly said what you are saying for the first time right now. And if you don’t believe me, we can look it up.



Dwayne Phillips
Dwayne Phillips

Written by Dwayne Phillips

Engineer, computing, consulting, writing, teaching, and a few other things in an effort to make us all better and smarter.

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