Rigidly Flexible

Dwayne Phillips
Jul 28, 2022

by Dwayne Phillips

As a writer and just about anyone else, we must be flexible in a rigid manner. The same is true for almost every adjective and its antonym.

A writer must be flexible. Except when the writer must be rigid. Except when exceptions arise.

The same goes for just about any adjective and its antonym and any person.

A person should be open to new ideas. Except when that person should be closed to frivolous ideas.

A person should be frivolous. Except when that person should be serious.

A person should be disciplined. Except when that person should be naive.

We could go on and on with these adjectives and their opposites. This unruly rule applies for almost all adjectives. I find a few for which this unruly rule does not apply. Those are important un-rules, but they are few.



Dwayne Phillips

Engineer, computing, consulting, writing, teaching, and a few other things in an effort to make us all better and smarter.