I Said that Last Week, Too

by Dwayne Phillips

There is something to the concept of momentum where a body in motion continues in motion. That even works with mental activity.

Momentum works. Even with the mind. That doesn’t make sense, but in my experience it seems to be true.


  • For over 700 weeks (13+ years) I have viewed the Internet and kept notes
  • Write two blog posts a week (12+ years)
  • Read ten pages a night (30 minutes) in technical texts
  • Write one short story every week
  • Write 30 minutes every day
  • Jot daily activities in a Steno Pad (30+ years on this one)

The list goes on. There are other lists for other persons. The result is the same: Start a streak; keep it going, and still keep it going. One day it becomes unthinkable to stop.



Dwayne Phillips

Engineer, computing, consulting, writing, teaching, and a few other things in an effort to make us all better and smarter.