The View from Across the Way
by Dwayne Phillips
Sometimes it is better to see the Eiffel Tower from across town instead on being on the Eiffel Tower and seeing the slums.
I’ve seen many photographs of the great pyramids in Egypt. I have only seen a few photographs of the city next to the great pyramids. Yikes. I prefer the view of the pyramids from the slums. The same is true for the Eiffel Tower, the Washington Monument, and so on.
Do we want to see something from afar or be inside of it? We use systems at work. We have to be inside those systems to use them. What is the view from inside the systems? Let’s consider that when we build the systems. Does it look like a slum to the folks doing the real work? That shouldn’t be the case.
Who wants to see a slum eight hours a day? If we are going to spend a third of our life inside the systems, let’s improve the view.