Take-home projects where a candidate is given a few days to build a simple web app...the company could be assigning you work they need done, but don't have anyone to do. You go home, do the work (for free), give it to them, they use it, you aren't paid, you aren't hired.
Code review of existing work...If you did the work for pay, you are stealing another company's property and giving it to the interviewer. The interviewer is dealing in stolen good, so the interviewer has no ethics. And you have been tricked into becoming a thief.
Quiz questions on coding and web fundamentals...Again, "what is the correct answer?" They are asking you to solve their problems for free, no pay.
Solving algorithm and data structure questions in a one-on-one whiteboard interview...Same as above, they are asking you to solve their problems for free, no pay.
TAKE CARE WITH ALL OF THIS...they are taking your knowledge without compensation.